


Urban Cadence

Garlic and romance don't mix

Monday, Jul. 05, 2004 @ 12:34 p.m.

So we went to see 2 movies in a row yesterday, "Spider-man 2" and "Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban". Spidey was great - it was true what everyone was saying, that it was a rare sequel that was better than its predecessor.

Harry Potter, on the other hand... we weren't too crazy about. I like the first one and loved the second one, but this third installment was just too 'real' for me. What happened to all the rich, beautiful, brilliant colors that painted Hogwarts? Throughout this third movie, it was bad weather all the time. Rain, storm, lighting, blizzard, gloom gloom gloom. They shouldn't have changed directors, in my opinion. I thought it just lacked the magical feel that made the previous two movies so great. They made me wish that Hogwarts was real, and I wanted to escape there. But this third one... I dunno, it just seemed too "sleepy hollow" for me. Wasn't it supposed to be a kids' movie? And, although the acting skills of the three main characters improved brilliantly, I just wasn't used to seeing Hermoine with boobs. Critics don't agree with me, though, everybody's been ranting about what a wonderful change this new director brought to Harry Potter. Well, whatever. I just believe in the "if it ain't broken, don't fix it" mentality.

But enough of my unwarranted movie criticisms. I made pasta for the very first time in my life yesterday. Well, I started making the pasta, but French Fitch finished it for me. But who cares about the details, right? While he was cooking the pasta, I chopped up some garlic. A lot of garlic. Perhaps a little too much garlic. Oops. I ended up with anti-vampire breath all throughout the rest of yesterday.

Needless to say, I didn't get any sweet lovin' from French Fitch last night. Sigh.


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