


Urban Cadence

It's a Small World After Allllll

Thursday, Jun. 19, 2008 @ 7:16 p.m.

I might be crazy guy, but I'm a happy crazy guy.

I just found this complete soundtrack from the "It's a Small World" ride from Disneyland. It's a medley of that infectiously happy song in different cultural variations and languages. I dunno why, but it makes me very happy. Puts me in that super na�ve and sappy "global peace and harmony" mood. I've spent the past 30 minutes trying to identify which country each variation is from (my favorite is Latin America).

I've also decided that I'm gonna go to Disneyland this upcoming Monday. I called my friend Rachel, who's moving to San Francisco in two weeks, and I'm gonna give her a going-away present in the form of a day at The Happiest Place on Earth. I also called The Ex-Marine, who has an annual pass, so he doesn't need much persuasion. Unfortunately, "It's A Small World" ride is closed for refurbishment until November (they had to make better boats because Americans were getting too fat and were sinking them - I'm not kidding), but I can't wait to turn into a little kid for a day.

As expected, now I can't get that "It's a Small World" tune out of my head. Who cares, as long as it puts a goofy grin on my face.

Toldja I'm crazy. :-P


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