


Urban Cadence


Saturday, May. 19, 2007 @ 12:25 p.m.

So I'm a little bit heartbroken. Bah.

It appears that Chris: The Ride has come to a screeching halt. Everything seemed fine and dandy when I saw him last Sunday, but he's been behaving really strangely this weekend. Last night, he completely snubbed me. I was walking into Trunks as usual, and saw him outside smoking and talking to a couple of people. I said 'Hi', and he returned the 'Hi' without even looking at me (he was doing something with his phone). I thought that he was busy talking to his friends, so I just went into Trunks and hung out with other friends. Normally, he would come in after finishing his cigarette, but he completely disappeared last night. I talked to one of his close friends (who was loose-lipped 'cos he was drunk), and it appears that Chris is a guy who doesn't seem to know what he wants. He works way too much to have any semblence of a dating life, and on top of that, even though he's barely stepped into the fourth decade of his life (albeit looking not a day over 33), he doesn't seem to have gotten enough of playing the field. In a word: He's unavailable.

I'd gotten that vibe from him lately, so I wasn't completely surprised. I was prepared for this all along, thanks to my newfound cynicism. It's a great defense mechanism after all. Protects the heart quite effectively.

Anyway, even if this was the case, I didn't think it warranted the snubbing that I got last night. I thought more about what could have possibly triggered the cold shoulder, and can only think of one thing. When I first met him, I noticed that he wore a really cool-looking watch. The watch had stopped working, but he just wore it anyway as an accessory 'cos he liked it so much. I thought it would be sweet if I got him a brand new watch, exactly the same, but in working condition... which was exactly what I did. I gave it to him Thursday night... and I'm guessing he must have taken it the wrong way and freaked out. Why do people attach such artificial and dramatic value to simple gestures? It was just a darn cheap watch, not an engagement ring f'cryin' out loud! And when I gave it to him, I made it clear that it didn't mean anything. Why the overreaction? Guess I should think twice about giving gifts to people from now on, 'cos I'm apparently so easily misinterpreted. Which reminds me of a conversation that I had with Louis a few weeks back. We were at Motherlode, and I saw this guy sitting at the bar that I wanted to meet. So we walked towards the bar and sat near that guy. Almost immediately, the guy got up and left (I don't think it was because of me). Laughing, Louis told me "You have a way with men"... to which I replied, "Yeah, I drive them away!" Heheheh... I thought that was pretty funny.

But anyway, BAH. So as of right now, I am starting the process of washing my hands off of Chris, which isn't gonna be too difficult, since I never invested too much in him in the first place. I'd be lying if I said that I don't still have a huge thing for him, but it'll fade with time. I will not waste any more of my time and emotions on an unavailable person who, despite being older, still hasn't figured out what he wants.

I am walking out of this with something, though... I've made quite a few new friends at Trunks, for which I am very grateful for. My goal to expand my social circle is going along pretty nicely.

Well Chris, it's been fun. You're gorgeous, you've a great personality, and you're a total heartbreaker. But I do hope for your own sake that you'll figure yourself out real soon. Though you may look it, you ain't getting any younger.


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