


Urban Cadence


Saturday, Apr. 02, 2005 @ 12:00 p.m.

Bleh. Spring Break's almost over. Me sad.

Quite a lot has happened this week, hasn't it? It's amazing how big the Terri Schiavo case grew. The way I see it, it's yet another pro-choice vs. pro-life debate. It's never ending. But I'm somewhat glad that Terri finally passed. It's great that she's not in the middle of this tug-o-war anymore, and she can finally be free of her terminally-ill body. But what I'm not glad about is the way she died.

It's different from a situation where one is kept alive only by a breathing machine. Disconnecting the breathing machine will cause the patient to die relatively quickly. But starving someone for almost 2 weeks, and calling that 'humane' is simply preposterous. I find Terri's parents to be selfish beyond belief. Yes, they really loved her. She was their daughter, after all. But to keep her in this world indefinitely, and in her permanent vegetative state... I'm sorry, but that was just all about them and I don't think they considered what Terri would have wanted. "I want my daughter alive" is a very selfish sentiment, seeing that Terri was in such bad shape. They argued (against the doctor's diagnoses) that Terri was still responsive and conscious. In my opinion, that makes them even more selfish. If she could indeed feel, they're prolonging her torture forever and calling that 'love'!?

Okay, let's just imagine that Terri was still conscious, just that her body wasn't allowing her to do anything. Let's imagine how that would feel like. Anyone who has experienced sleep paralysis before (like myself) would know how torturous it feels to be conscious yet not be able to move or talk. Everytime I experience sleep paralysis, I can't even endure the torture of helplessness for even a minute. Just try it. Lie on your bed, and no matter what, don't move. See how long you can last. Now, imagine that torture going on for 15 years. And your parents want you to stay like that even longer, and say it's because 'they love you'. I've heard of tough love, but this is simply absurd. And worse, they claim that they're doing everything they do in the name of Christianity. That would imply that they believe in the spirit. Okay, your daughter's body isn't working anymore. And you're choosing to trap her spirit in her vegetative body and preventing her from moving on? If you want a caged pet, go get a hamster. But for gawd's sake, stop being so gawddamn selfish!

Well, everything's finally over now, and I hope Terri can finally rest in peace. It's amazing how her life affected this country. It's once again showing how this country is being run based on religious dogma. This, coming from America, the 'leader of the free world', who is currently oppressing an Islamic state in Afghanistan, saying that 'religion has no place in politics'.

Three words: pretentious, imperialistic, and screwed-up beyond belief. Okay, that was 5 words, but you get the picture.


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