


Urban Cadence

Sweep Stakes

Saturday, Nov. 20, 2004 @ 1:02 p.m.

Every show on TV these weeks has big-name guest stars in them. The reason? Sweeps. It's when advertisers consider which networks are more worthwhile to invest in, so the networks go all out to pump up their programming.

I think the whole thing is so stupid. So they have all these guest stars and surprise appearances during sweeps. Once the advertisers put their money in, and sweeps ends, everything goes back to lackadaisical plots and regular, mediocre boring casts. At that point, it wouldn't have mattered which network you invested in, 'cos they're all getting the same ol' amount of viewers.

Does nobody else see that? You know very well that it's all just a show for a couple of weeks! So why are you putting such big consideration into the fa�ades? I just don't get it.

But hey - I'm a boob-tube addict. I'm not complaining about the superficiality of the sweeps. I'm just complaining that they're not keeping up this sweeps fa�ade all the time. It makes good TV.


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