


Urban Cadence

Blame caffeine

Sunday, Oct. 24, 2004 @ 11:52 a.m.

I watched "South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut" on Comedy Central last night. I've seen it many times before, but not in a couple of years at least. I love Terrance and Phillip!!

I think that movie is so grossly under-complimented. True, the South Park type of humor may not be 'tasteful' for everyone, but that movie's got one hell of a production value. I'm talking about the music and sound track in particular. I think they did an excellent job of spoofing the Disney cartoon musicals, and in great musical standards too. The orchestration is so impeccable that sometimes I couldn't believe that it was all for a cartoon with a gazillion bad words in it. The songs were so well-written, that I think the movie should have won some awards for music alone, if not for the movie itself.

I mean... come on now, Phil Collin's sappy song "You'll be in my heart" from "Tarzan" won an an academy award in 2000 for best song over "Blame Canada"?!? The latter is a musical stroke of genius! It was an unspoken consensus that "You'll be in my heart" won over "Blame Canada" solely because of the movie that the latter was associated with. And that's just downright unfair.

But anyway... trust me to get on the soap box for something that happened almost 5 years ago. I had as strong an opinion back then, I just didn't have Diaryland. Heh.

I talked to Louis yesterday, and it seems like the Zoloft is finally kicking in. I'm very happy to hear that... he's a nice person beneath all that chemically-enhanced mood swings. One thing that I find really amazing about him is that he's been out of a job for nearly 2 years now. Yet, he still has the money to sustain his going out every Friday, Saturday and Sunday to bars and clubs. This means that when he was working before the depression got to him, he made pretty big bucks... I mean, 2 years worth of weekend partying has gotta be expensive... and there's other factors like rent and food and gas? Wow. I really hope the Zoloft can boost him up to a place for him to get a job once again. Although, 2 years of unemployment is gonna be quite a big dent in the job interviews. Sigh.

I also spoke to Tarzan, which I haven't done in quite a while. He called me while he was on the way to a job interview, from a cab. But get this: his interview was at 4pm, but he only left 15 minutes before, and the venue was about 30 minutes way, with traffic. I guess he hasn't changed a bit.

Whoa, I'm so long-winded today... must be the coffee. I'm gonna try to get French Fitch to go see "Shark Tale" with me this evening. "Finding Nemo" was the first movie that we watched together (it was our second date), so any animated feature dealing with talking marine life is nostalgia to me.

I need more coffee. MORE COFFEE.


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