


Urban Cadence

Bedtime stories

Saturday, May. 22, 2004 @ 11:45 a.m.

Once again, it's Saturday! I ran out of Bailey's, so all I have in my coffee this morning is cream and sugar. It just doesn't have that same kick.

That song from the new Revlon ad has been stuck in my head for the past couple of days. (If you want to see it, click on "See the Ads", then "tv"). It doesn't really have much meaning to me, just slow motion shots of Halle Berry, Julianne Moore, Eva Mendes and Jaime King walking around and dropping stuff and picking up stuff while they're being followed by photographers. Dumb. But that song is really catchy... it's somewhat mysterious, and a little dark. I love dark, mysterious music. And it's insanely addictive. I later found out that the song is "Bellissimo" by this group called Ilya, from their album titled, ironically, "They died for beauty". Hahaha!

Another somewhat funny thing - French Fitch pushed me out of bed last night. I don't know what the hell was up with him, but he just woke up in the middle of the night, decided that he was right on the edge of the bed (which he wasn't - but I WAS), so he pushed me (violently)... and down I went. I frantically crawled back on with a "what the hell is your problem!?" look on my face, but he just laughed. I must have been really tired, because I went right back to sleep. He was laughing about it this morning, while I was wondering if it was a dream. Apparently, it wasn't. Hmmph.

And oh, something also happened to me the night before. Something disgusting. We were already in bed, but I woke up to an itching on the side of my face. I scratched it, and went back to sleep. Then it itched again. I did the same, a little annoyed. It stopped for a moment, but later, the other side of my face started itching. I decided I needed to give myself a slap on that cheek, and I did. But instead of SMACK, it went SQUISH.


And it felt wet. And a little slimey. There was definitely something that I'd inadvertently caught in my hand. I got up, went to the bathroom, and turned on the light. had eight legs.

EEEWWWWW. And there were parts of its body, all smeared across my face and my hand. Eew eew eeewww eewwwww! I scrubbed my face thoroughly, and when I went back to bed, I had a little trouble falling back asleep, thinking that there may be a bunch of them crawling all over like in that old movie "Arachnophobia". I. Hate. Spiders. Anything with more than 4 legs and less than 2 legs gives me the creeps. Ugh.

I've come across numerous statistics and "interesting facts" websites that an average person eats 8 spiders while sleeping in their lifetime.

That's just the average person. Which means that some people eat MORE than others. Especially in this case:

"When a spider egg sac hatches indoors, you can have hundreds of microscopic spiders, a millimeter long or less, leaping into the air in a short time span (under an hour total) and trying to ride the air currents to freedom. This is known as "ballooning"; you may remember it from "Charlotte's Web". If you're in a house where a bunch of microscopic spiders are ballooning around, you MIGHT accidentally inhale about a dozen one night, if the air were circulating sufficiently for them to get airborne and stay there long enough to drift in front of your face."

... And I'm just gonna leave you with that little bit of trivia that you probably didn't need to know. Hope you sleep well tonight!



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