


Urban Cadence

Kill ants, not people

Saturday, Apr. 17, 2004 @ 11:59 a.m.

Funniest car license plate holder I've seen in a while: "I'm not bald - I'm a sex machine with a solar panel"


I placed one of those ant trap things in my bathroom a while back... y'know, one of those ant food things that the ants are supposed to bring back to their nest and poison the whole colony? Nothing happened. It's been there for months now. But finally this morning, I noticed in my half-asleep stupor that the ants were having a saturday morning picnic around it. It's amazing how easily thrilled I am - it's made my day. I've been having this ant problem on and off for ages now. Now they're finally having a party around the trojan horse, MUAHAHAHA. Eat, my little friends... party well, 'cos it's gonna be your last! Muahaha! DIE, ALL OF YOU!! Or else!!

... or else, I'm gonna bring this thing back to the store and ask for my money back. YEAH.

I had a weird-ass stupid dream last night. I was somewhere downtown, and numbers stopped existing. Yeah, you got that right, numbers. Computers stopped working because '0' and '1' didn't exist anymore, buildings started disappearing because measurements were missing, and the whole place looked like a war zone. It was SCARY. At one point, I looked down on my shirt where there was huge number "21" scrawled across it, and my shirt just vanished. So I freaked out, and I was freezing. I woke up not too long after, and realized that I had somehow wiggled my way out of the blanket, and I was shivering.

It may sound totally dumb right now, but it was a nightmare when it happened! But yeah... numbers getting extinct? I'm sure my brain has a better imagination than that. (Or does it?) It was like The Twilight Zone - Sesame Street Edition. My brain is so full of crap. At least give me a real nightmare with a tiger on my heels or monsters attacking me or something. But noooo, I had the disappearance of NUMBERS. You don't get much more lame than that.

Another political ramble: Continuing on my entry about the military, an American soldier was captured by the Iraqi insurgents. This is the latest of many other such kidnappings, and the Iraqis will release them if countries pull their troops out of Iraq. On the news last night, the president released a statement that said "We don't negotiate with terrorists". In short, "too bad for the hostages, we'll still stand strong without them."

See how tiny a military person is in the gigantic war machine? Insignificant. The governments of the countries involved won't do anything. These hostages will probably be killed, and the families of the victims will get "deepest condolences" from the government, coupled with a stupid Purple Heart medal that's supposed to make everything all good and sunny and peachy again.

I'm furious. The only thing I can do is pray and hope that the hostages will be released, or that they can escape unharmed somehow. The lives of these people and the impact they'll have on the families is not worth the goals of another single person just because he has the word "president" written under his name. I hope all these debates going on about Bush with regards to his alleged pre-determined Iraqi agenda will shed light on the truth once and for all.

In the meantime, more than a year later, I'm still trying to figure out how Osama bin Laden and 9/11 led to this war in Iraq. Saddam Hussein is captured... yippee, yay, hooray. Now, what about the people directly responsible for 9/11?

Sure tells a lot about his priorities, eh?


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