


Urban Cadence

I love you, Carla Hall!!!

Friday, Feb. 27, 2009 @ 8:14 p.m.

I re-watched the fifth season finale of "Top Chef" again tonight on Bravo, and man... I can never hold back my own tears when I see Carla break down. Based on what her two competitors did and screwed up on, if she had done what she'd planned to do instead of what that bitc... UHH, I mean Casey Thompson suggested, she would have totally won. Hands down.

A cooking reality show is very different from something like American Idol, because you can't exactly taste their food for yourself to decide who's the best the way you can listen to a singing contestant sing. But just from watching Carla go through this competition, I'm already sold that her food is probably friggin' unbelievable, and I haven't even had the opportunity to taste anything. Her personality is just top notch, and her heart just really shows. She's not an arrogant prick with a sense of entitlement. She's not a ruthless fiend who would stoop to nothing in order to win. In short, she's just a total class act.

When I think of the celebrities/people that are idolized by the whole world today, a few of them just boggle my mind. Why do people idolize a barbie doll with no apparent talent or competence (that's you, Paris!)? Why do people still go crazy over egomaniacs like Kanye West, who honestly thinks he's god's gift to music (not even close - talking over beats and loops is NOT music, it's... umm well, TALKING!!!)? Well, I guess my obvious disdain for hip-hop and rap makes me biased, but be that as it may, doesn't that egomaniac's attitude and his attitude alone just put you off??? That guy thinks he should actually be worshipped for the genius he is! He actually says it out in plain words!! Why do people reward that kind of delusion by awarding stardom and adoration on him? I just don't get it!!!

My point is, in my opinion, it's people like Carla who deserve the utmost admiration and celebrity. People who inspire and fascinate us, just by simply being plain ol' good people.

But anyway, I'm just absolutely heart-broken for Carla. I wish I could give her the biggest hug! Hosea's victory was completely circumstantial. As for Stefan... well, I hated his guts all season long because he was a bit of a 'Kanye' - arrogant prick. But seeing him rush over to console Carla as she broke down in tears mid-speech showed me a totally different side of him... whoa... he has a heart?!?? Where has it been all season long?? Well, from that point onwards, I'd rather he won Top Chef than Hosea! (Man, I'm SUCH a sucker for the sappy and cloy stuff!)

Well Chef Carla Hall, I honestly hope that I can have the good fortune to taste your food some day in the future. It would most certainly be my privilege indeed!

(Here's the video that reduces me to a pathetic sappy sobby mess. Specifically at 7:10 and 7:53. Don't you wanna just give her the biggest hug!?!?)


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