


Urban Cadence

I give up

Sunday, Sept. 30, 2007 @ 6:02 p.m.

I don't know if the astrological configurations are in my favor, or if Mercury is in retrograde (or whatever the heck astrology believers say), but I was apparently hot this weekend. Especially last night. I got hit on by three people. A typical night for me is zero. I'm not boasting, but you gotta admit, experiences like this can give your ego quite a boost and make you feel all giddy and happy ;-)

I'd made plans to meet JAG at Trunks at around 10-ish, but he wasn't there. So I hung out with a few friends instead. One of them was with this guy I hadn't seen before, so we got introduced to each other. I don't remember his name. Whoops.

Anyway, it turned out that JAG was already out with his friends and incoherently drunk at that time. He kept texting me "Where are you?", I kept telling him, but a long time later I would get another "Where are you?" message. So I got tired of waiting and went over to Motherlode to meet some friends.

After I'd been there for about 30 minutes, the group of people I was hanging out with at Trunks came over. Through the slip of his tongue, one of them said that the only reason they were all there was because the guy (whose name I didn't remember) wanted to see me. Awwww! I chatted with him a bit, but made a conscious effort not to lead him on, 'cos he wasn't really my type. He tried to kiss me twice, but both times I retreated and told him 'no', but very nicely. But that didn't seem to deter him for some reason... he wanted to give me his number, so I just took it. Needless to say, I won't be calling him.

Gawd, I hate it when this happens. So many times have I given out my number to someone whom I hoped would call me, but they never did. And now I'm actually forced to do the same to this guy. Arrrggghhh... I never asked him for his number, he kinda forced it on me. What else am I to do?

Anyway, I never met up with JAG last night. But he texted me this morning, asking if I wanted to go have breakfast with him. As tired as I was (I'm so not a morning person), I said okay, and we went to this diner called Eat Well. After that, he wanted to take his dog to the dog park and asked me if I wanted to come along. Of course, I did. I had a very nice time, actually. I really enjoy hanging out with him.

Even after having slept together, our interactions have since been very friendly... yet again. When we parted ways this afternoon, we just hugged each other. Oh well, nothing new there.

I've completely given up on trying to analyze this guy. I'm just going to take everything exactly for what they are. No expectations, no "what's going on here?" ponderations. Wanna hang out? Sure. Wanna make out? Sure. And that's it. I'll be a heck lot happier and stress-free this way.

I had a huge crush on him when I first met him, but now (six weeks later), that flame has waned a bit. Which is great. I'm just gonna go along for the ride and have fun without expecting anything. I think we'll end up being just friends, and that's totally fine by me.

We're going to Vegas together next weekend. That oughta be interesting.


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