


Urban Cadence

Demand & Supply

Friday, Sept. 07, 2007 @ 1:47 p.m.

I guess the Law of Demand & Supply in Economics works for social situations as well... the less you make yourself available, the more valuable your presence, it seems.

So I stopped going out for two whole weeks just 'cos I needed a break from it all. Then last night, I made my come back into West Hollywood. The moment I stepped into the bar, I was greeted with a huge "HEEEYYYYY!!!" from almost everybody in there (I didn't even realize I knew so many people!). It was followed by huge hugs, kisses on the cheeks, and an avalanche of Where-the-heck-have-you-beens. I felt almost like a celebrity, which was kinda cool! People kept buying me drinks, and I think I was talking the entire time I was there. And I had no idea that people would've even noticed that I'd stopped going out for a while!

So yeah, I felt loved. Going out again after taking a break is really refreshing. I'm definitely going to do it again... but not this weekend. This weekend, I'm gonna howl.


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