


Urban Cadence

Heroes, Schmeroes

Monday, May. 21, 2007 @ 10:43 p.m.

I don't post entries about TV shows often, but after watching the season finale of "Heroes", I just had to rant!

I was a bit disappointed, really. I expected an action-packed and explosive conclusion to the first season where all the characters would come together to stop the big bang that had been building up since the first episodes. Intead, lots of them came off as being under-utilized, and what ended up happening didn't seem like the best (and only) way out.

The last-minute arrival of Nathan Petrelli was very moving and all, but how is sacrificing himself together with Peter Petrelli the best solution? Claire (or anyone for that matter, even Nathan) could have simply shot Peter and he wouldn't have exploded, just as Ted (the original radioactive exploding man) stopped going nuclear when Claire tranquilized him a few episodes back. Peter had absorbed Claire's regeneration ability, so he would've come back to life, there would've been no explosion, and everything would've been peachy keen. I guess it wouldn't have been as dramatic, but c'mon... it was the best solution! Even if that didn't happen, Peter had absorbed Nathan's flying ability ages ago, and he has used it at will before. Why couldn't he have flown himself into the sky and exploded? Why did he need Nathan for that? WEAK! I hope the writers didn't kill off Nathan and Peter, although I dunno how they could've survived that explosion in the sky. Oh, please don't kill Nathan off... he is HOT (and should be shirtless all the time)!!

There were also a few other things that could have happened, but for some reason didn't. Sylar sent Hiro Nakamura (the space/time-bending Japanese guy) flying to stop him from killing Peter, but the moment Hiro teleported out, he could have teleported right back to Peter and killed him. I thought he had mastered his teleporting ability already?!? Instead, he teleported back in time to Japan for gawd-knows-what reason. And okay, even if he made a boo-boo by sending himself back in time, he could have just as easily transported himself back to the exact moment after Sylar sent him flying, couldn't he? WEAK!

Matt Parkman (the cop who can hear other peoples' thoughts) was completely useless in the final face-off with Sylar. Surely he was smarter than to use a plain pistol against the horrible scary Sylar, especially since he already knows what Sylar is capable of? He could totally have been utilized so much better... for instance, he could've heard Sylar's thoughts, anticipated his next moves, and warned the characters accordingly. Instead, he got shot barely 5 seconds after his 'heroic' arrival. WEAK!!

How in the world did Claire and Nathan know where the final showdown was? They just showed up as if they knew where to go. WEAK!!!

My favorite character is Niki/Jessica Sanders, although I think it's gonna be just Niki from now on. She's absolutely gorgeous, and I love how she's a bit different from the other characters with the whole "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" complex. And the superhuman strength? I love how she smacked Sylar across the face with that parking meter! I don't think they should have gotten rid of Jessica and left Niki alone as the bionic woman, though... her character would've been a lot more interesting and multi-dimensional if Niki learned to control Jessica and allowed Jessica to take over only when someone needed an ass whooping. I loved Jessica's spunk. But anyway, Niki was under-utilized against Sylar as well during the final battle - she only got to strike Sylar once! Micah called out to her that D.L. needed help, and Peter told her to go to D.L... but what could she have done?? What, just by holding D.L., he would recover from his gunshot wound??? She could also have been the one to knock Peter out if Claire, Nathan, and Hiro couldn't do it and stopped him from blowing up. WEAK!!!!

Overall, "Heroes" has been one of the best new shows on TV, so I'm still a huge fan. I just wish the finale could've been better executed and more action-packed, with more uses of the characters' special abilities (isn't it what it's all about after all?).

Anyway, this geekfest of an entry shall stop here. I'm still feeling a bit down about the whole Chris thing, but I'm glad I had "Heroes" to distract me for a bit this evening. Over the next two days, "American Idol" will do the distraction. Yippee! Blake for the next American Idol!!


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