


Urban Cadence

A rainy afternoon rant

Friday, Apr. 14, 2006 @ 4:28 p.m.

I have been so bad with the updating lately, it's not even funny. It's just that I haven't really had any interesting things to write (or rant) about. As abruptly as Spring Break began, the Spring semester started.

I'm taking a neuroscience lab class, and it's making me sick... literally. We play around with sheep brains every week, and the smell of the formaldehyde that they use to preserve the brains turns my stomach inside out. The gore, the coagulated blood, and the mutilated brain I can take - and in fact, I love playing around with. The formaldehyde just makes me so sick. I guess forensic pathology is out as a career option for me. Pity, since it's probably the only field of medical science where your patients will never ever sue you no matter how much you mess them up.

The weather is kinda icky today in Southern California - rain and thunder off and on the entire day. It's my first day off ever since school started, and I'm going to treat myself to a few hours of Sims 2. I just got the Nightlife expansion pack (I know, that's so last year), and I'm gonna go crazy with it. French Fitch is out of town for the weekend, so I guess this should keep me amused in the meantime.

I'm gonna meet Louis for dinner tomorrow evening. It'll be great, because I haven't seen him in quite a while. The last time I spoke to him, he seemed to have snapped out of his depression. He actually got a job, and is doing the normal daily work routine. About time too, 'cos he was running out of money. Depression is such a sad affliction - you lose your job because your depression messes everything up, and to get medical treatment, you need money and insurance, which means that you gotta have a job.

As for tonight, I'm gonna meet a classmate for dinner. Incidentally, she's bipolar. What is with the friends that I have and mental illnesses?? My last ex, Idiot von Schei�er, also suffered from depression (which I did not know when we first started going out). And my ex before that whom I shall nickname Cheap Russian, suffered from extreme cheapness (I know being cheap is not an official psychological disorder, but it should be). Thank gawd French Fitch is perfectly fine.

Anyway, I'm gonna go indulge myself in a couple of hours of Sims 2 before my dinner appointment. Seeya.


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