


Urban Cadence

Holly Jolly Christmas

Saturday, Dec. 25, 2004 @ 11:39 a.m.


(Or "HAPPY HOLIDAYS" if you're opposed to Christmas for whatever reason)

Seems almost anti-climatic, doesn't it? You prepare for months for this day, and now that it's finally here, it'll be over before you know it. I think Christmas should be a week-long affair, full of festivities. Like the Carnaval in Brazil. We need a festival-type-holiday like that outside of Mardi Gras, which only happens in Louisiana anyway.

Our gift-opening session was... interesting, to say the least. Because French Fitch already knew what his gift was 2 days ago (Read the previous entry).

Anyway, we had a little romantic Christmas dinner last night, which was really great. After that, we watched "Elf"... which was just alright. It could've been better, in my opinion. But our main goal was to watch a holiday movie, and that it was. I loved the music. And speaking of music, here's a little bit of trivia I learned yesterday: Did you know that "White Christmas" was written by a Jewish guy? (Irving Berlin, to be specific.) Weird, huh?

(This page is actually educational! Go tell your parents, kids!!)

Okay, I think I've rambled on enough. I hope everyone out there had a great Christmas! And here's a tip: If you're planning on exchanging a gift that you got, do it in January. Otherwise, you'll risk bumping into that person who gave that gift to you, who is incidentally there to exchange your gift. Awkward moment.


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