


Urban Cadence

That sinking feeling

Tuesday, Nov. 02, 2004 @ 8:44 p.m.

I have this sinking feeling in my gut that idio... umm, I mean Bush is gonna win the election.

And that's not just because of the current tally. In those polls that've been conducted a gazillion times prior to today, Bush has consistently been leading, albeit always very slightly. If you pull off so many polls with consistent results, that's gotta mean something.

Of course, I hope hope *HOPE* that Bush doesn't win, but I just can't help but feel that he will. The only advantage I can think of if Bush wins is that there'll be plenty more funny Bush-slamming skits on "Saturday Night Live" and "Mad TV". Which I would GLADLY sacrifice, as hilarious as they are. I wanna be proven wrong. Please prove me wrong, Ohio. Pretty please?

How can this country go through another four years with someone that chokes on pretzels, falls off bicycles, and can't pronounce the name of major cities and prisons that his country is waging war in?

God bless America.

I mean, really. Please.

(P/S. Washington D.C. ballots tallied at 9% for Bush, 90% for Kerry. Hah! D.C. Rocks!!)


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