


Urban Cadence

Over the hill

Tuesday, Apr. 20, 2004 @ 10:45 a.m.

Those Club Girls pissed the shit out of me again. Today, they were chattering and bitching (in class) about some guy and how he didn't how notice that one of the girls had a different hairstyle. (*Shock Horror Gasp* Can anything get more sacrilegious than this??) Listening to their conversation (not that I had a choice, mind you) is like watching "Clueless" all over again. And the perfumes they wear... Oh.My.Gawd. They must use a bottle a day. How they graduated prematurely from Beverly Hills High School, I don't know. I just wish they'd SHUT THE HELL UP. Arrgghhh!

Today is 4/20. I think it's supposed to mean something to me if I'm a drug-head. Which I not, so today's just simply April the 20th for me. How uncool am I?

Anyway, I was talking to these 2 girls during the break from my first class, and they were all talking about weed. And then this other guy and girl joined in, and they talked even more about weed and fun with drugs and all that stuff. Sometimes I feel so old around the people I hang out with on campus. I guess it's reasonable, because after all, they are an average of 6 years younger than I am. (What can I say, I'm a late bloomer.) 6 years doesn't seem like such a huge gap in age, but it is when that gap is between the late-teens/early-twenties region. I think a person matures the fastest during that time, which makes the difference seem almost like a generation gap. They're always talking about parties and stuff... not that I'm against parties or anything, but all these people do at their parties (in my opinion) is get piss-ass drunk and make out with each other. "Ooh, so and so made out with each other! Ooh, so and so and so had a 3-way kiss!" I mean, gimme a break. That's so... umm... 6 years ago. Yeah.

But I guess I'm too critical... after all, they are young and that's what young people do. In a way, it's sad that I'm no longer as easily thrilled or entertained as they are. So maybe I'm the pathetic one. Hmm...

NAH, it's them. :)


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