


Urban Cadence

8 Ante Meridiem

Monday, Apr. 19, 2004 @ 2:45 p.m.

Duke University just cut out all its 8 a.m. classes. Lucky bastards. I absolutely abhor early classes (my definition of "early" = anytime before 12 noon. Heh!). But sometimes you get screwed by the class schedules in such a way that you don't have a choice at all. I'm usually a zombie at that time of the day. My mind's all spaced out. I just sit there and mindlessly copy everything the lecturer scrawls on the board, mistakes, illegible words and all. Which proves to be a challenge when I actually go back to my notes when preparing for an exam. If I can't decipher my notes, I end up reproducing the same questionable contents in the exams, verbatim. Miraculously, I get away with it most of the time. Go, me.

I hate waking up for early classes. It's usually all nice and cold at 7 in the morning, and it just feels so nice and cozy and warm under the sheets! And bless the genius who invented the 'snooze' button. It's like a few extra minutes of pure, unadulterated heaven. I hope he/she got a Nobel prize for that.

Usually, when I get dressed, I look back at the bed and get really envious of French Fitch, all snuggled up and snoring away. I swear, it's the most depressing sight in the morning when you have to get up and go, and you see someone else who doesn't have to get up and go, sleeping away. It's even worse when I see Smelly Cat all curled up in her bed. Even she's rubbing salt on my wound. I could just break down cry like a little girl. Except that I won't. Because I'm not a little girl. I'm a grown man. So there.

However, during the times that I actually manage to wake up early, I love the mornings. The air is all cool and crisp, and I love watching shops open. The roads aren't that crowded yet, and everything's so slow and peaceful. And the day just seems SO much longer. I wish I were a morning person. I'd have so much extra time on my hands to do everything. Maybe study a few hours every day. And actually do my homework for once. That'd help my grades a lot.

NAH, I'd probably spend the extra time sleeping or watching TV. Who am I trying to kid?


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